#include "ev3cxx.h" #include "app.h" #include #include #include /* CHANGELOG: 0.8.0 - 'MONIKA' (#85) Error correction on every straight drive Multiple turning step Complete code for building one tower 0.7.0 - 'URSULA' (#80) Done first short and long side Modified turn function Changed drive plan (long - long - middle - short - short - middle) 0.6.0 - 'URSULA' (#75) Added Doxygen comments Added volume to display_all_values (diagnostics screen) 0.5.0 - 'HELGA' (#72) Added diagnostics screen (opened by pressing left after boot) Added secret quiet mode Added turning_corection_factor for correcing gyro sensor measurements due to its bad placement 0.4.3 - 'HELGA' (#70) Motor problems indicator with colors: left - red, right - orange, when motor is stuck change LED color Added calculating motor powers based on battery level 0.4.2 - 'HELGA' (#67) Updated run_short() to run_short_side() Added gyro Done calculations with gyro to EC driving straight TODO: problems with battery 0.3.0 - 'INGRID' (#42) Some weird magic in calculations of motor speeds 0.2.7 - 'ERIKA' (#36) Created function run_short for picking up all cubes on short sides 0.2.5 - 'ERIKA' (#27) Added "boot-up melody" Added btnEnter.waitForClick() for program start Fixed display printouts HW change: gearbox on the left gear changed to 1:1 0.2.0 - 'ERIKA' (#15) Tested functions for opening and closing doors, updated speeds Added idealMPWRS - base MPWRS to update back to, testing with different speeds for left and right wheels 0.1.1 - 'ERIKA' (#2) Re-created structs for version, MPWRS, note Re-created function for opening and closing door and function for generating Version ID */ /// @struct version /// @brief Struct for holding all informations about current version struct version { /// @brief int: version id int id; /// @brief int: major int major; /// @brief int: minor int minor; /// @brief int: patch int patch; /// @brief std::tm: release date (date & time of compilation) std::tm relDate; /// @brief const char*: string codename of the current version const char *codename; }; /// @struct MPWRS /// @brief Structure to hold motor powers (left and right) struct MPWRS { /// @brief int: left motor power int lMotorPWR; /// @brief int: right motor power int rMotorPWR; }; /// @struct MPWRSPlus /// @brief Structure to hold motor powers and speed modifier (extends MPWRS) struct MPWRSPlus { /// @brief MPWRS: motor powers MPWRS motor_powers; /// @brief int: speed modifier int SPEED_MODIFIER; }; /// @struct note /// @brief Structure for holding note (frequency and duration) struct note { /// @brief uint16_t: Frequency of the note uint16_t frequency; /// @brief int32_t: Duration of the note int32_t duration; }; /// @struct all Values for diagnostic function struct allValues { version currentVersion; int volume; int lMotorPWR; int rMotorPWR; int SPEED_MODIFIER; int turningThreshold; int TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION; int CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER; int shortOneCycleLimit; int loneOneCycleLimit; }; /// @brief Function to calculate motor powers using quadratic equation, depending on battery powerMPWRSPlus /// @param leftMotor int: wanted power of left motor (default 85) /// @param rightMotor int: wante power or right motor (default 70) /// @return MPWRSPlus: motor powers and SPEED_MODIFIER MPWRSPlus calculate_motor_pwrs(int leftMotor = 85, int rightMotor = 60) { int batteryLevel = ev3_battery_voltage_mV(); double squared = (double)0.00003 * (double)(batteryLevel * batteryLevel); double linear = -0.42 * (double)batteryLevel; double constant = 1470; double modifier = squared + linear + constant; int SPEED_MODIFIER = 30 - ((int)round(modifier)); // ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Q: % \nL: % \nC: % \nSM: % ") % squared % linear % constant % modifier; MPWRS idealMPWRS; idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR = leftMotor + SPEED_MODIFIER; idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR = rightMotor + SPEED_MODIFIER; MPWRSPlus retVal; retVal.motor_powers = idealMPWRS; retVal.SPEED_MODIFIER = SPEED_MODIFIER; return retVal; } /// @brief Function to play starting melody void play_starting_melody() { // Play starting melody ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C5, 400); tslp_tsk(500); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F5, 400); tslp_tsk(500); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_G5, 400); tslp_tsk(500); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A5, 100); tslp_tsk(200); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F5, 650); tslp_tsk(950); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 75); tslp_tsk(110); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 75); tslp_tsk(110); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 75); tslp_tsk(200); } /// @brief Function to clean display and write first two line void cleanAndTitle() { ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); ev3cxx::display.format(0, " DOBREMYSL "); ev3cxx::display.format(1, "*****************"); } /// @brief Diagnostic function to display all value on display with ability to show multiple pages /// @param allValues values: all values in allValues structure void displayAllValues(allValues values) { ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); ev3cxx::display.setFont(EV3_FONT_MEDIUM); ev3cxx::BrickButton btnLeft(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::RIGHT); // Right button ev3cxx::BrickButton btnUp(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::UP); // Up button ev3cxx::BrickButton btnDown(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::DOWN); // Down button int pages = 3; int page = 0; while (true) { switch (page) { case 0: ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); ev3cxx::display.format(0, " DOBREMYSL "); ev3cxx::display.format(1, "*****************"); ev3cxx::display.format(2, "Ver.: % .% .% ") % values.currentVersion.major % values.currentVersion.minor % values.currentVersion.patch; ev3cxx::display.format(3, "Nr.: #% ") % values.currentVersion.id; ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Codename: % ") % values.currentVersion.codename; ev3cxx::display.format(5, "Volume: % %%") % values.volume; ev3cxx::display.format(6, "Rel.: % ") % std::asctime(&values.currentVersion.relDate); break; case 1: ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); ev3cxx::display.format(0, "Bat.: % mV") % ev3_battery_voltage_mV(); ev3cxx::display.format(1, "Mod.: % ") % values.SPEED_MODIFIER; ev3cxx::display.format(2, "-------_T_-------"); ev3cxx::display.format(3, "TT: % ") % values.turningThreshold; ev3cxx::display.format(4, "CM: % ") % values.CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER; ev3cxx::display.format(5, "TFC: % ") % values.TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION; ev3cxx::display.format(6, "-------_1_-------"); ev3cxx::display.format(7, "LOCL: % ") % values.shortOneCycleLimit; break; case 2: ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); ev3cxx::display.format(0, "-------_2_-------"); ev3cxx::display.format(1, "LOCL: % ") % values.shortOneCycleLimit; break; case 3: ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); default: break; } while (true) { if (btnLeft.isPressed()) { ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); cleanAndTitle(); ev3cxx::display.format(2, "Press ENTR to run"); return; } if (btnUp.isPressed()) { page -= 1; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } break; } else if (btnDown.isPressed()) { page += 1; if (page > pages) { page = pages; } break; } tslp_tsk(500); } tslp_tsk(200); } } /// @brief Function to run starting phase of the program (selection of diagnostics screen) /// @param btnLeft ev3cxx::BrickButton: left brick button /// @param btnRight ev3cxx::BrickButton: right brick button /// @param touchS ev3cxx::TouchSensor: touch sensor void start_program_exe(ev3cxx::BrickButton btnLeft, ev3cxx::BrickButton btnEnter, ev3cxx::TouchSensor touchS, allValues values) { while (true) { // ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_FS6, 20); // tslp_tsk(20); if (btnLeft.isPressed()) { displayAllValues(values); } if (btnEnter.isPressed() || touchS.isPressed()) { cleanAndTitle(); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); tslp_tsk(750); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); break; } // ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F6, 50); tslp_tsk(50); } } /// @brief Function to parse timestamp to std::tm /// @param timestampStr const char*: string form of the timestamp /// @return std::tm: parsed timestamp std::tm parseTimestamp(const char *timestampStr) { std::tm tmStruct = {}; std::istringstream iss(timestampStr); // The format of __TIMESTAMP__ is implementation-dependent // The example below assumes the format "Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy" // Adjust the format string based on your compiler's __TIMESTAMP__ format iss >> std::get_time(&tmStruct, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"); return tmStruct; } /// @brief Function to generate version struct of the current version /// Includes getting and parsing time of compilation using parseTimestamp function /// @param versionID int: versionID, increment with every new change /// @param codename const char*: string codename of the current version /// @param major int: major /// @param minor int: minor /// @param patch int: patch /// @return version: current version of the code, with date and time of compilation included version createVersion(int versionID, const char *codename, int major, int minor, int patch) { version retVersion; retVersion.id = versionID; retVersion.major = major; retVersion.minor = minor; retVersion.patch = patch; retVersion.codename = codename; /*retVersion.relDate.tm_sec = timestamp_tm.tm_sec; retVersion.relDate.tm_min = timestamp_tm.tm_min; retVersion.relDate.tm_hour = timestamp_tm.tm_hour; retVersion.relDate.tm_mday = timestamp_tm.tm_mday; retVersion.relDate.tm_mon = timestamp_tm.tm_mon;*/ retVersion.relDate = parseTimestamp(__TIMESTAMP__); retVersion.relDate.tm_year = 2023 - 1900; retVersion.relDate.tm_isdst = 0; std::mktime(&retVersion.relDate); return retVersion; } /// @brief Function to open door /// @param hinge ev3cxx::Motor: motor to use when opening or closing the door void open_door(ev3cxx::Motor hinge) { hinge.onForDegrees(-25, 200); } /// @brief Function to close door /// @param hinge ev3cxx::Motor: motor to use when opening or closing the door void close_door(ev3cxx::Motor hinge) { hinge.onForDegrees(25, 200); } /// @brief Function for turning /// !! ROBOT CAN TURN ONLY LEFT !! /// @param motors ev3cxx::MotorTank: MotorTank with motors of the DriveBase to use /// @param gyro ev3cxx::GyroSensor: gyro sensor to use /// @param endAngle int: angle to turn to (wanted angle, will be modified internally) /// @param THRESHOLD int: turning accuracy in degrees (default 2) /// @param TFC int: Turning Factor Correction, modifies endAngle for more accurate results (default 5) void turn(ev3cxx::MotorTank motors, ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro, int endAngle = 90, int THRESHOLD = 2, int TFC = 5) { cleanAndTitle(); endAngle = endAngle - TFC; ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); // MPWRSPlus calcedPWRS = calculate_motor_pwrs(-35, 40); // left, right, rotations (faster), brake, blocking, wait_after motors.onForRotations(-10, 25, 1.5, true, false, 60); bool rotating = true; int counter = 0; while (rotating && counter < 250) { int currAngle = ev3cxx::abs(gyro.angle()); ev3cxx::display.format(3, "Angle: % ") % currAngle; ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Counter: % ") % counter; if ((ev3cxx::abs(endAngle - THRESHOLD) < currAngle)) { int error = endAngle - currAngle; ev3cxx::display.format(5, "Error: % deg.") % error; motors.off(true); rotating = false; ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F5, 100); return; } tslp_tsk(20); counter++; } if ((endAngle - THRESHOLD < ev3cxx::abs(gyro.angle())) && (ev3cxx::abs(gyro.angle()) < endAngle + THRESHOLD)) { turn(motors, gyro, endAngle, THRESHOLD, TFC); } ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); return; } /// @brief Function for turning (alternative way XD) /// !! ROBOT CAN TURN ONLY LEFT !! /// @param motors ev3cxx::MotorTank: MotorTank with motors of the DriveBase to use /// @param gyro ev3cxx::GyroSensor: gyro sensor to use /// @param endAngle int: angle to turn to (wanted angle, will be modified internally) /// @param THRESHOLD int: turning accuracy in degrees (default 2) /// @param TFC int: Turning Factor Correction, modifies endAngle for more accurate results (default 5) void turn_forever(ev3cxx::MotorTank motors, ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro, int endAngle = 90, int THRESHOLD = 2, int TFC = 5) { cleanAndTitle(); endAngle = endAngle - TFC; ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); // MPWRSPlus calcedPWRS = calculate_motor_pwrs(-35, 40); // left, right, rotations (faster), brake, blocking, wait_after motors.on(-25, 45); bool rotating = true; int counter = 0; while (rotating && counter < 25000) { int currAngle = ev3cxx::abs(gyro.angle()); ev3cxx::display.format(3, "Angle: % ") % currAngle; ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Counter: % ") % counter; if ((ev3cxx::abs(endAngle - THRESHOLD) < currAngle)) { int error = endAngle - currAngle; ev3cxx::display.format(5, "Error: % deg.") % error; motors.off(true); rotating = false; ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F5, 100); return; } tslp_tsk(20); counter++; } ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); return; } /// @brief Function to pick up all cubes on shorter side. /// Returns true if ran till the end and false if stopped by middle button /// @param motors ev3cxx::MotorTank: MotorTank with motors of DriveBase /// @param idealMPWRS MPWRS: motor powers to use when nothing bad happens /// @param gyro ev3cxx::GyroSensor: gyro sensor to use /// @param bumper ev3cxx::TouchSensor: front touch, exit prematurely when pressed /// @param CYCLE_LIMIT int: how many cycle to run (default 90) /// @param CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER int: base value for modifying drive direction when of course (default 20) /// @param THRESHOLD int: when to start correcting drive (in degrees) (default 2) /// @return bool: false if stopped by the middle button bool run_short_side(ev3cxx::MotorTank motors, MPWRS idealMPWRS, ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro, ev3cxx::TouchSensor bumper, int CYCLE_LIMIT = 90, int CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER = 20, int THRESHOLD = 2) { cleanAndTitle(); const int LEFT_THRESHOLD = -THRESHOLD; const int RIGHT_THRESHOLD = THRESHOLD; gyro.resetHard(); ev3cxx::BrickButton btnEnter(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::ENTER); // Middle button MPWRS motor_powers; // Reset both motor's powers motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; bool run = true; bool error = false; int cycleCounter = 0; while (run) { motors.on(motor_powers.lMotorPWR, motor_powers.rMotorPWR); tslp_tsk(50); // Reset both motor's powers motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; // Get power of both motors int lPower = motors.leftMotor().currentPower(); int rPower = motors.rightMotor().currentPower(); int angle = gyro.angle(); ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Left motor: % \nRight motor: % \nCycles: % \nAngle: % ") % lPower % rPower % cycleCounter % angle; // Emergency break using middle button (BTN_ENTER) if (btnEnter.isPressed()) { run = false; error = true; motors.off(true); } // Exit when bumper hit if (bumper.isPressed()) { run = false; motors.off(true); } // Check gyro angle and change driving speed to fix the angle // To the left if (angle < LEFT_THRESHOLD) { // ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A5, 250); int correction = ev3cxx::abs(angle - LEFT_THRESHOLD); motor_powers.lMotorPWR = motor_powers.rMotorPWR + (correction * CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER); //(int)pow(CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER, correction); ev3_speaker_play_tone(correction * 1000, 30); // Check if the motor is stuck if (lPower == 0) { ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A5, 250); run = false; error = true; motors.off(true); } // To the right } else if (angle > RIGHT_THRESHOLD) { // ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A4, 250); int correction = ev3cxx::abs(angle - RIGHT_THRESHOLD); motor_powers.rMotorPWR = motor_powers.lMotorPWR + (correction * CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER); //(int)pow(CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER, correction);//correction * CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER; ev3_speaker_play_tone(correction * 1000, 30); // Check if the motor is stuck if (rPower == 0) { ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A4, 250); run = false; error = true; motors.off(true); } } cycleCounter++; if (cycleCounter == CYCLE_LIMIT) { run = false; } } motors.off(true); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 125); tslp_tsk(125); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_D4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_B4, 750); tslp_tsk(750); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_G4, 750); tslp_tsk(750); return !error; } /// @brief Function to pick up all cubes on longer side. /// Returns true if ran till the end and false if stopped by middle button /// @param motors ev3cxx::MotorTank: MotorTank with motors of DriveBase /// @param idealMPWRS MPWRS: motor powers to use when nothing bad happens /// @param gyro ev3cxx::GyroSensor: gyro sensor to use /// @param bumper ev3cxx::TouchSensor: front touch, exit prematurely when pressed /// @param CYCLE_LIMIT int: how many cycle to run (default 180) /// @param CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER int: base value for modifying drive direction when of course (default 20) /// @return bool: false if stopped by the middle button bool run_long_side(ev3cxx::MotorTank motors, MPWRS idealMPWRS, ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro, ev3cxx::TouchSensor bumper, int CYCLE_LIMIT = 180, int CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER = 20) { cleanAndTitle(); gyro.resetHard(); ev3cxx::BrickButton btnEnter(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::ENTER); // Middle button MPWRS motor_powers; // Reset both motor's powers motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; bool run = true; bool error = false; int cycleCounter = 0; int lastError = -1; int errorStrike = 0; while (run) { ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); motors.on(motor_powers.lMotorPWR + 20, motor_powers.rMotorPWR - 20); tslp_tsk(50); // Reset both motor's powers motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; // Get power of both motors int lPower = motors.leftMotor().currentPower(); int rPower = motors.rightMotor().currentPower(); int angle = gyro.angle(); ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Left motor: % \nRight motor: % \nCycles: % \nAngle: % ") % lPower % rPower % cycleCounter % angle; if (lPower == 0 || rPower == 0 || angle < -2) { // If error in previous cycle if (lastError == (cycleCounter - 1)) { errorStrike++; } // Otherwise clear the error strike else { errorStrike = 0; } // Set lastError to this cycle lastError = cycleCounter; // If this is third error cycle in row if (errorStrike == 3) { ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F6, 50); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); // Reset counters etc. lastError = 0; errorStrike = 0; // Back up a bit motors.off(true); motors.on(-ev3cxx::abs(motor_powers.rMotorPWR - 20), -ev3cxx::abs(motor_powers.lMotorPWR + 20)); tslp_tsk(350); continue; } } if (angle > 5) { motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR + 35; ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_D4, 50); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); } // Emergency break using middle button (BTN_ENTER) if (btnEnter.isPressed()) { run = false; error = true; motors.off(true); } // Exit when front bumper is hit if (bumper.isPressed()) { ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); motors.off(true); int s_cycleCounter = 0; int s_lastError = -1; int s_errorStrike = 0; int s_maxCycles = 60; while (s_cycleCounter <= s_maxCycles) { s_cycleCounter++; int lPower = motors.leftMotor().currentPower(); int rPower = motors.rightMotor().currentPower(); if (lPower == 0 || rPower == 0) { // If error in previous cycle if (s_lastError == (s_cycleCounter - 1)) { s_errorStrike++; } // Otherwise clear the error strike else { s_errorStrike = 0; } // Set lastError to this cycle s_lastError = s_cycleCounter; // If this is third error cycle in row if (s_errorStrike == 3) { ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F6, 50); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); // Reset counters etc. lastError = 0; errorStrike = 0; // Back up a bit motors.off(true); motors.on(-ev3cxx::abs(motor_powers.rMotorPWR - 20), -ev3cxx::abs(motor_powers.lMotorPWR + 20)); tslp_tsk(350); continue; } } } motors.on(100, 100); tslp_tsk(3000); run = false; motors.off(true); } cycleCounter++; if (cycleCounter == CYCLE_LIMIT) { run = false; } } motors.off(true); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 125); tslp_tsk(125); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_D4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_B4, 750); tslp_tsk(750); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_G4, 750); tslp_tsk(750); return !error; } /// @brief Function to drive forward till bumper button is pressed /// @param motors ev3cxx::MotorTank motors to use for driving /// @param idealMPWRS MPWRS ideal motor powers for the motors /// @param gyro ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro sensor to use for error correction /// @param bumper ev3cxx::TouchSensor touch sensor to use a bumper for stoping when wall is hit /// @param CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER int for correcting errors in direction /// @return bool: false if stopped by the middle button bool unlimited_drive(ev3cxx::MotorTank motors, MPWRS idealMPWRS, ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro, ev3cxx::TouchSensor bumper, int CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER = 2, int THRESHOLD = 2) { cleanAndTitle(); const int LEFT_THRESHOLD = -THRESHOLD; const int RIGHT_THRESHOLD = THRESHOLD; gyro.resetHard(); ev3cxx::BrickButton btnEnter(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::ENTER); // Middle button MPWRS motor_powers; // Reset both motor's powers motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; bool run = true; bool error = false; int cycleCounter = 0; int lastError = -1; int errorStrike = 0; while (run) { motors.on(motor_powers.lMotorPWR, motor_powers.rMotorPWR); tslp_tsk(50); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); // Reset both motor's powers motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; // Get power of both motors int lPower = motors.leftMotor().currentPower(); int rPower = motors.rightMotor().currentPower(); int angle = gyro.angle(); ev3cxx::display.format(4, "Left motor: % \nRight motor: % \nAngle: % ") % lPower % rPower % angle; // Emergency break using middle button (BTN_ENTER) if (btnEnter.isPressed()) { run = false; error = true; motors.off(true); } // Exit when bumper hit if (bumper.isPressed()) { run = false; motors.off(true); } // Check gyro angle and change driving speed to fix the angle // To the left if (angle < LEFT_THRESHOLD) { // ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A5, 250); int correction = ev3cxx::abs(angle - LEFT_THRESHOLD); motor_powers.lMotorPWR = motor_powers.rMotorPWR + (correction * CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER); //(int)pow(CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER, correction); ev3_speaker_play_tone(correction * 1000, 30); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); } // To the right else if (angle > RIGHT_THRESHOLD) { // ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A4, 250); int correction = ev3cxx::abs(angle - RIGHT_THRESHOLD); motor_powers.rMotorPWR = motor_powers.lMotorPWR + (correction * CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER); //(int)pow(CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER, correction);//correction * CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER; ev3_speaker_play_tone(correction * 1000, 30); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); } if (lPower == 0 || rPower == 0 || angle < -2) { // If error in previous cycle if (lastError == (cycleCounter - 1)) { errorStrike++; } // Otherwise clear the error strike else { errorStrike = 0; } // Set lastError to this cycle lastError = cycleCounter; // If this is third error cycle in row if (errorStrike == 3) { ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F6, 50); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); // Reset counters etc. lastError = 0; errorStrike = 0; // Back up a bit motors.off(true); motors.on(-ev3cxx::abs(motor_powers.rMotorPWR), -ev3cxx::abs(motor_powers.lMotorPWR)); tslp_tsk(350); continue; } } } motors.off(true); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 125); tslp_tsk(125); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_D4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_C4, 250); tslp_tsk(250); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_B4, 750); tslp_tsk(750); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_G4, 750); tslp_tsk(750); return !error; } void music_task(intptr_t unused) { while (true) { ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 600); tslp_tsk(1600); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_A4, 600); tslp_tsk(1600); } } void sub_task(intptr_t unused) { // Sleep 89 seconds tslp_tsk(89 * 1000); // Terminate main task ter_tsk(MAIN_TASK); ter_tsk(SUB_TASK); } void main_task(intptr_t unused) { const int CYCLE_LIMIT_1 = 250; const int CYCLE_LIMIT_2 = 350; const int THRESHOLD = 2; const int TURNING_THRESHOLD = 1; const int TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION = 5; const int CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER = 20; int volume = 100; // Create version info const version VERSION = createVersion(85, "MONIKA", 0, 8, 0); // Set-up screen ev3cxx::display.resetScreen(); ev3cxx::display.setFont(EV3_FONT_MEDIUM); // Set up motor powers MPWRSPlus calcedPWRS = calculate_motor_pwrs(); MPWRS idealMPWRS = calcedPWRS.motor_powers; const int SPEED_MODIFIER = calcedPWRS.SPEED_MODIFIER; MPWRS motor_powers; motor_powers.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; motor_powers.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); // Set up motors ev3cxx::Motor hinge(ev3cxx::MotorPort::A, ev3cxx::MotorType::MEDIUM); // Hinge motor ev3cxx::MotorTank motors(ev3cxx::MotorPort::B, ev3cxx::MotorPort::C); // Tank motors (Left - B; Right - C) ev3cxx::GyroSensor gyro(ev3cxx::SensorPort::S1); // gyro sensor ev3cxx::TouchSensor touchS(ev3cxx::SensorPort::S4); // Touch sensor ev3cxx::TouchSensor frontTouch(ev3cxx::SensorPort::S3); // Touch sensor (bumper) // Set up buttons ev3cxx::BrickButton btnEnter(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::ENTER); // Middle button ev3cxx::BrickButton btnLeft(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::LEFT); // Left button (for entering diagnostics) ev3cxx::BrickButton btnDown(ev3cxx::BrickButtons::DOWN); // Down button (quiet mode) // quiet mode activation if (btnDown.isPressed()) { volume = 0; ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); } ev3_speaker_set_volume(volume); play_starting_melody(); // Print version information on screen cleanAndTitle(); ev3cxx::display.format(2, "% .% .% #% \nNAME: % \nBattery: % mV % \nPress ENTR to run") % VERSION.major % VERSION.minor % VERSION.patch % VERSION.id % VERSION.codename % ev3_battery_voltage_mV() % SPEED_MODIFIER; allValues values; values.currentVersion = VERSION; values.volume = volume; values.lMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.lMotorPWR; values.rMotorPWR = idealMPWRS.rMotorPWR; values.SPEED_MODIFIER = SPEED_MODIFIER; values.turningThreshold = TURNING_THRESHOLD; values.TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION = TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION; values.CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER = CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER; values.shortOneCycleLimit = CYCLE_LIMIT_1; values.loneOneCycleLimit = CYCLE_LIMIT_2; // Start program start_program_exe(btnLeft, btnEnter, touchS, values); act_tsk(SUB_TASK); // act_tsk(MUSIC_TASK); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); tslp_tsk(200); // Close the door before begining the drive close_door(hinge); // Run first long side bool side_1 = run_long_side(motors, motor_powers, gyro, frontTouch, CYCLE_LIMIT_1, CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER); // If something happened if (!side_1) { ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_FS4, 100); } motors.onForRotations(-motor_powers.rMotorPWR, -motor_powers.lMotorPWR, 3.25); // turn 90 degress left //turn_forever(motors, gyro, 35, TURNING_THRESHOLD, TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION); //motors.onForSeconds(-motor_powers.rMotorPWR, -motor_powers.lMotorPWR, 120); turn_forever(motors, gyro, 95, TURNING_THRESHOLD, TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION); motors.onForSeconds(-motor_powers.rMotorPWR, -motor_powers.lMotorPWR, 1000); // Cross to the other side gyro.resetHard(); bool crossing = unlimited_drive(motors, motor_powers, gyro, frontTouch, CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER, THRESHOLD); if (!crossing) { ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_FS4, 100); } // turn 90 degress left gyro.resetHard(); turn_forever(motors, gyro, 90, TURNING_THRESHOLD, TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::ORANGE); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); // reset gyro gyro.resetHard(); // Run second long side bool side_2 = run_long_side(motors, motor_powers, gyro, frontTouch, CYCLE_LIMIT_2, CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER); // If something happened if (!side_2) { ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::RED); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_F4, 100); tslp_tsk(200); ev3cxx::statusLight.setColor(ev3cxx::StatusLightColor::GREEN); ev3_speaker_play_tone(NOTE_FS4, 100); } // reset gyro; turn 150 degrees left gyro.resetHard(); turn_forever(motors, gyro, 90, TURNING_THRESHOLD, TURNING_FACTOR_CORRECTION); motors.onForRotations(motor_powers.lMotorPWR, motor_powers.rMotorPWR, 8.12); open_door(hinge); motors.onForRotations(motor_powers.lMotorPWR, motor_powers.rMotorPWR, 8.12); motors.off(true); act_tsk(MUSIC_TASK); }